Plus a CBO report on obesity and Harris' latest plan to use drug-price-reduction as a piggybank for other policy priorities
Plus a Health Affairs study makes even more plain why the IRA puts oncology at risk
Plus new data shows that 340B appears to 'work' at FQHCs. If only we could say the same for big nonprofit hospitals
Plus a smart paper on why inventing drugs is too expensive and risky to be left to the government
Plus the CBO runs the math on IRA-related costs for 2025 and come up with a real big number
And Blue Shield of California shows that health plans can acquire cheap biosimilar Humira without the help of a PBM
Plus new data on Part D premiums, Newsom torpedoes PBM reform, and a new study on the impact of real-time benefits info
Plus: What's up with Bernie and the PBMs?
Plus an object lesson in how bad data can turn into questionable journalism
The rest of yesterday's hearing: standard-issue, short-shelf-life manufactured drama. Barely worth the popcorn.
Plus what the FTC is asking for in its lawsuit against PBMs
And if you're really tuned into this particular fistfight, there's a 46Brooklyn analysis you need to digest