There are a couple of interesting nuggets in earnings and elsewhere, but the impending election has created a dull roar of content that can mostly be ignored
Plus looking at last week's 340B poll and flagging that tomorrow is red-letter day for IRA lawsuits
Plus the head of the PBM lobby gets the attention of WaPo
And PBM commentary from Georgia pharmacists, Blue Shield of California, Mark Cuban, and others
Plus links on accumulators and the prospects for the lame-duck session
And JAMA offers a clip-n-save piece on ways consumers can find cheaper meds
Plus the NYT published the second piece in its PBM series, showing how the middlemen are killing pharmacies
I know, I know. It's a Saturday. Pardon the interruption.
And both sides draw some battle lines around patent reform
And some great research from NPC further details the way that oncology drug development might be imperilled by the IRA
And UnitedHealth earnings dropped today, showing Optum Rx -- as usual -- generating oodles and oodles of cash for the health care giant
Otherwise: it's a pretty slow day, news-wise. We can all catch our breath.