And a reminder: we could get some judicial action in an IRA case this week
Plus a brief detour to talk about how drugmakers disclose population size for new meds
And PhRMA has a new judge and AZ has a 'target date' for a decision in its case
Plus the early rumblings on how a shutdown with impact health policy
And elevating an interesting ICER gene therapy review that is flying below the radar
And almost everyone you can imagine just filed amicus briefs in the Merck IRA case
Plus lots of lots of polling that underscores why "Medicare negotiations" will be the "lockbox" of 2024
Plus a lawsuit story worth your time and a Regeneron quote to ponder
And a quick roundup of all the IRA legal news that seems to be falling between the cracks
Plus Roche's annual framing of their drug-price approach
And a ridiculous argument that making pro-innovation claims is 'bullying'
And the insulin price-cap debate remains mired in the congressional mud