And a Health Affairs paper adds further evidence that cost-sharing can be really, really bad for the public health
How Sanders & Co. deal with inhaler prices will be illuminating
Plus lots and lots about #JPM24, and why cost-plus is the new AI
Plus a lot more: data on launch price media coverage, CVS/Humira moves, a deep dive on Jan. 1 prices ...
And why 2024 will be the year of the launch price
Plus, in a twist on a Jan. 1 tradition, there's lot of attention on drug price *decreases*
And the Jan. 1 price-increase stories are starting to roll in
So keep those votes coming in ...
But the competition only gets more fierce from here on out, and we need your votes
Plus a handful of additional items that found their way under the tree
And, yes, there's still news, including deep looks at IRA incentives and priority review vouchers
And teasing that we're going to lay out the rules for Cost Curve Fight Club tomorrow