Plus links on gene therapy financing, BMS' 340B statement, and more importation skepticism
Otherwise: 🦃🦃🦃
Plus the Biden administration makes a move to cover obesity meds in Medicare and Medicaid ... but will it matter?
The data has some gaps -- as the state recognizes -- but it's still a fantastic resource for seeing how the program operates at a more granular level
And trying to catch up on everything from IP reform to 340B messaging
And the Oregon PDAB continues its shenanigans
And PBM news is back with a vengeance
Plus some math from the former head of the CBO helps estimate how much tax revenue is being lost because of out-of-control 340B growth
And Lilly joins J&J in taking legal actions to move to a more accountable 340B system
It's a blow to public health, and it suggests we're going to have to think and talk about drug value in new ways, to new audiences
And a good answer to the 'why does the U.S. pay more?' question from AEI's Kirsten Axelsen
And the JNJ 340B suit got picked up all over the place. Encouraging!