And Walgreens is pretty sanguine about 340B, plus the health economics of pickleball
And we remain on a collison course when it comes to paying for obesity treatment
I have movers in my kitchen, and my internet is about to be shut off, so it's a quick one today ...
And Stop Me if You've Heard This Before, But Drug Prices Are Falling
And Maybe Twitter Isn't The Wasteland I Thought It Was (For Docs, Anyway)
Along With the Interesting Coverage Dynamics for Obesity/Diabetes Meds
And Five Overly Grandiose Truths to Inform The Obesity Coverage Debate
And Lots of Lots of Reports
And Don't Be Distracted by Diabetes Alert Dogs
And You Should Absolutely Read a New Report on Benefit Design
Plus Dispiriting Research About GoFundMe and Diabetic Alert Dogs
Also: Hi, John Arnold!