Plus lots of lots of polling that underscores why "Medicare negotiations" will be the "lockbox" of 2024
Plus a lawsuit story worth your time and a Regeneron quote to ponder
And a quick roundup of all the IRA legal news that seems to be falling between the cracks
Plus Roche's annual framing of their drug-price approach
And a ridiculous argument that making pro-innovation claims is 'bullying'
And the insulin price-cap debate remains mired in the congressional mud
And STAT's attempt to survey pharma about IRA highlights a huge catch-22 for industry
Plus an effort to dismantle -- or at least rethink -- today's high-profile NYT op-ed
Plus some thinking about reputation, and lots and lots of other news
And an answer on the Stelera IRA-list mystery
Plus: I put ChatGPT on the obesity beat
Including one correction, of sorts, an op-ed worth reading, and deets on the CMS listening sessions