And earnings are proving that biopharma is profiting by serving more patients, not charging more
And your semi-regular, evidence-based reminder the drug prices aren't skyrocketing
And an op-ed on the lack of patient engagement in CMS' price-setting effort
And a roundup of responses on what's next for 340B
And thinking about an alternative history where Martin Shkreli became a champion of *low* drug prices
And a quick guide to net prices for the 10 meds due for price controls
And a couple of good op-eds from PhRMA and BIO leaders
And a fascinating look at how 'innovation' can go awry
And a brief history of Lilly's copay coupon for Mounjaro
And GoFundMe continues to bring clarity to the true holes in the American safety net
And it's PBM Week in Washington
And thanks to the ASPC, whose members are ready to go to the mattresses on UM